Tuesday 1 June 2010

ruined affair re-captured

I want to find some hidden gems.
Places unfound, untouched for a while, completely derelict.
I was inspired by a website sent to me by someone dear.

Most inspirational was this location; a derelict Russian submarine base in the Ukraine

I'm not sure who has done the photography here, as i haven't done my research yet [this is a bit of an un-detailed excitable post] What i loved about these images is the fact the location structure at hand, isn't ancient, nor was it ever made to be particularly beautiful. It isn't in ruins, but the history of this place makes these images incredibly eerie. I also have a bit of a strange relationship with the sea, it's natural force and power scares me, the way it can be so isolating and all consuming, so i find the idea of life that far off shore, bizarre and alien. This mixed with the context of Russian war, and the cold industrial aesthetic is just all out chilling [personally] but it's very much a feeling i enjoy, the fact a photograph can evoke that much emotion in me.

Thinking of my re-submission for my Elective, which will now be Digital Photography, i want to at least do something that i will enjoy, and it's been so long since i studied old dilapidated architecture.
So i've set about researching secret places in Leeds, that will be good for Photographing.

On my internet travels i came across these lovely images of the underground tunnel works that run through Leeds by a photographer named Johnathon Turner > www.johnathan-turner.com

It seems that i have little chance of actually getting anywhere near anything this good however it has inspired me to start adventuring, i'd like to not only consider old structures but newer one's too as they can allow for different aesthetics as well set up an array of concepts. It would be nice to be able to consider combining these structural images with portraiture, hmmm but we'll see. Still a bit rusty on the photography front to say the least, so one step at a time.

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